Join us as a member of Tanglewood Nature Center & Museum!
Your support enables Tanglewood to maintain the high standards in nature education we have established over the years, and helps us continue to grow and improve. With your membership, we reached over 27,000 children in 2024.
Your membership supports:
- Free admission to the nature center, for you and for everyone in our community
- Free access to green space and trails
- Conservation of 300 acres of forever wild land
- Safe habitat for threatened species in our region
- Environmental education reaching over 35,000 people in the Twin Tiers and Finger Lakes
- Diverse animal collection of rehabilitated and rescued wildlife
Your membership can include:
Your membership may offer access to summer camp registration, and the privilege to rent our buildings for birthdays, reunions, graduations, and weddings!
The Nature Center, the Lodge, and the picnic pavilion are all available for facility rentals for your family’s celebrations. Members are given the privilege to rent these spaces. Dates fill up especially quickly for children’s birthday parties, so book soon! Additional rental fees apply.
Summer camp registration privileges begin at the Family level—either the standard Family membership, or the Senior Family membership. Senior Families include privileges for two seniors (60 years or older) and up to 8 grandchildren under 18.
Become a member of Tanglewood Nature Center and Museum today, and in return, enjoy the best of everything we can offer:
- Free admission for you, your family, and the entire community
- ANCA - Reciprocal free or discounted admission, and other discounts, at over 180 other nature centers nationwide. Find other nature centers to visit here!
- Pavilion, library, and auditorium rentals (rental fees apply)
- Birthday parties (birthday fees apply)
- Discounted snowshoe rentals
- 20% discounts in our gift shop